Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Art Censorship essays

Art Censorship essays Throughout the history of mankind, a portion of the population have felt the need to remove or suppress material that they consider to be morally, politically, or otherwise objectionable, such as books, films, or other materials. Censorship can be dated back to ancient Greek and Roman times. Some of the works of art and literature that were considered taboo a long time ago, are widely available in modern day life. William Shakespeare, Michelangelo, John Lennon, Diego Rivera, and the Venus de Milo were all thought to be morally wrong or offensive at one time or another. In the twentieth century, censorship has gone to more extreme measures by involving the government and legal system. Many artists take for granted the freedom to create art. Most do not understand or appreciate this freedom until it is taken from them. Fortunately, this freedom is guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. The First Amendment reads "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech" (1). The 14th Amendment makes the protections of the First Amendment applicable to state laws. Almost any attempt to regulate written or spoken word can be scrutinized by the courts to assure that it does not violate the protections provided by the First Amendment.. However, despite what on the face of the First Amendment appears to be a total prohibition on government restricting freedom of speech, not all exercises of expression or speech will be protected by the First Amendment. Many people think that the focus of the First Amendment is to protect the freedom of speech of controversial political groups such as the American Nazi Party. Although many cases involve purely political speech, courts have also declared that artistic expression is also protected by the First Amendment. These cases are not as black and white as those involving political speech, because the United States Supreme Court, over the years, has strug...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Bullets as Marks of Punctuation Definition

Bullets as Marks of Punctuation Definition A mark of punctuation () commonly used in business writing and technical writing to introduce items in a list (or series) is known as a bullet point. As a general rule, when creating lists, use bullet points to identify items of equal importance; use numbers for items with different degrees of value, listing the most important one first. Examples and Observations: Bullets () mark items in a list. If a sentence follows the bullet, place a period at its end. Words and phrases that follow bullets need no ending punctuation. It is never necessary to place the conjunction and before the [last] item in a bulleted list.(M. Strumpf and A. Douglas, The Grammar Bible. Owl, 2004)The idea is simply to end by design rather than default, and any of the following practices will help:In your notes, keep track of potentially dramatic closing materials.Hold one of your best examples or anecdotes for the closing.Allow space for a developed ending.Commit to a closing worthy of the piece.Avoid the drift toward a clichà ©d ending.(Arthur Plotnik, Spunk Bite. Random House, 2005)Tips on Using BulletsWhen you dont mean to imply that one thing in a list is any more important than anotherthat is, when youre not signaling a rank orderand when there is little likelihood that the list will need to be cited, you might use bullet dots. They enhance readability by emphasizi ng salient points. . . .Here are . . . more tips on using bullets well: (1) end your introduction with a colon, which serves as an anchor; (2) keep the items grammatically parallel (see PARALLELISM).(Bryan A. Garner, Garners Modern American Usage. Oxford Univ. Press, 2003) ParallelismThe most common problem with bulleted lists is an absence of parallel construction. If the first bulleted item is a declarative sentence in the present tense, the rest should also be declarative sentences in the present tense. Each item must be a continuation of the introductory sentence . . ..(Bill Walsh, Lapsing Into a Comma. Contemporary Books, 2000)Using Bullets Effectively- The most effective communication at work is not the bulky memo, but the bullet-riddled PowerPoint presentation, which people from varied nationalities can absorb in very little time.(A. Giridharadas, Language as a Blunt Tool of the Digital Age. The New York Times, Jan. 17, 2010)- For public speakers, bullet points serve as prompts to extemporaneous speech, and are often more useful than a complete text. On the printed page, bullets break up the gray, as we say in the world of publishing. They give the eye relief.The key to making good use of bullet points is to make sure the elements on your list h ang together. If youre writing about Six Things You Should Do Before Shopping for a Good Used Car, make sure you give your readers or listeners six things they should do, not four things plus a snarky observation about used-car salesmen and a nostalgic whine about what a gem your old Mustang was. . . .If your material isnt really a collection of comparable elements, then bullets are probably not the best presentation. After all, a paragraph lets you mix things up a bit: a declarative sentence here, a rhetorical question there, maybe even a brief list. A paragraph is better than bullets for putting elements into more complex relationships.(Ruth Walker, We Speak Nowadays in a Hail of Bullets. The Christian Science Monitor, February 9, 2011)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

3 stories for research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

3 stories for - Research Paper Example Johnson with her â€Å"White Trash Primer† which is a sad stereotypical portrayal of poor white people. Ernest Miller Hemingway (1899-1961) wrote a number of remarkable novels that had sharp and vivid portrayals of scenes and unforgettable characterizations of the main characters in his short stories and novels. A few of these novels stood out such as â€Å"The Sun Also Rises† and â€Å"For Whom the Bell Tolls† as classic examples of his unique sparse writing style accentuated with his trademark understatement. Among his other memorable works are â€Å"The Old Man and the Sea† and â€Å"A Farewell to Arms† that ensured his reputation and legacy as a foremost writer of the twentieth century. Many writers imitated his writing style of spare dialog, vivid characterizations, a preference for understatement, and wise use of simple prose that won for him the much-coveted Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. Fiction was his favorite genre but his writings have a strong resemblance to reality because he had chosen to write mainly from his own experiences in life. If he wrote it, he had also done it before. Hemingway was born and raised in Oak Park, Illinois. He was barely out of high school when he applied for work in a newspaper. This job as a journalist honed and sharpened his writing style of brevity and mastery of details and facts about a story. He soon joined in the First World War as an ambulance driver and at various times during the war also reported the wartime events as a war correspondent. After the war, he became a foreign correspondent of various newspapers and acquired varied experiences while filing his news stories. He had been married four times, went on a safari to Africa where he met accidents twice, and later on suffered from various ailments as a result of those accidents and a lifestyle of drinking and smoking. He was depressed, paranoid, hypertensive, and committed suicide in

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Difference between rationalism and empiricism Essay

Difference between rationalism and empiricism - Essay Example Rationalist believe that truth exists and rational and logic can grasp truth. Empiricism Empiricism is a Greek Philosophy Empiricism is a philosophy which bases on experience for knowledge This philosophy establishes that sensory experience is the sole way to gain knowledge Empiricism is related to the material world and phenomenon of universe. Empiricism is related to posteriori knowledge which means knowledge need experience. Empiricism explains that all human ideas are based on some outward experience Empiricsim is a psychological thought. Empiricism is philosophical theory which believe on intelligent assessment of things in universe Empiricist believe that knowledge is gained though experience and not by innate ideas. Plausibility of the theories Rationalism -Rationalism is a theory which is based on logic or rational. It is right that logic is predisposed with us who give us the ability to understand between right and wrong. If a person does not have logic then it is not possib le for him to evaluate experience or gain knowledge. However, logic itself cannot give knowledge, as human being is social beings some kind of experience can complete our knowledge level. The strength of this philosophy is universal and eternal which means that if one person can think then all others can as well. Rationalism makes us independent because we don’t need experience from outside to increase our knowledge. This philosophy believes in innate ideas and hence is natural and pure. The weakness of this philosophy is that only by thinking one cannot gain knowledge. For example ;We can imagine of a strawberry of how it would look like but we can never think of it taste. This is because our brain does not have the faculty to give sense of taste of aching which we never... Rationalism -Rationalism is a theory which is based on logic or rational. It is right that logic is predisposed with us who give us the ability to understand between right and wrong. If a person does not have logic then it is not possible for him to evaluate experience or gain knowledge. However, logic itself cannot give knowledge, as a human being is social beings some kind of experience can complete our knowledge level. The strength of this philosophy is universal and eternal which means that if one person can think then all others can as well. Rationalism makes us independent because we don’t need experience from outside to increase our knowledge. This philosophy believes in innate ideas and hence is natural and pure. The weakness of this philosophy is that only by thinking one cannot gain knowledge. For example, We can imagine of a strawberry of how it would look like but we can never think of its taste. This is because our brain does not have the faculty to give a sense o f taste of aching which we never experienced.Empiricism -The main strength of empiricism is that it believes that knowledge can come only through experience which is obtained through sensory organs. We learn from scientific methods and experiments and gain knowledge more and more. According to this philosophy, the best way to understand things is to see with the eyes. The second strength of empiricism is that it gives experimental reasoning. Here the past experience and observation contribute to the gaining of knowledge.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Child Study Paper Essay Example for Free

Child Study Paper Essay The Child Study data I have gathered comes from the observation I have completed at Mission Bell Elementary School. Mission Bell Elementary School is a local school in Riverside. In the P. M preschool class there are 24 students, one teacher, and one assistant. The child I decided to observe is names Zoe. Zoe is 4 years and 10 months old. I immediately was drawn to Zoe because she had such a big personality, was very social, and smart. I am glad that I choose to observe Zoe because she was able to make my observation process smooth and easy. While observing her I had to pay close attention to her biosocial development, motor skills, cognitive skills, communication skills, emotional development, social interaction, and her self-esteem. As I share my observation data, I will give examples of Zoe’s skills and overall development thus far in her life. Biosocial Development: Physical Description According to biosocial development norms Zoe is average. She is just the size she is suppose to be according the growth chart and development norms. Zoe is tall and lean. She is on the skinny side and has long arms and legs and a flat stomach. Zoe weighs 36 pounds and is 39. 75 inches tall. On the growth chart Zoe is in the 50th percentile (CDC 2000) when it comes to her weight and is in the 25th percentile (CDC 200) when it comes to her height. From these percentages on the growth chart Zoe is falling right in the middle when it comes to her physical development, showing that she is growing at a normal expected rate. Zoe displays an above average activity level in comparison to her peers. She has such a high activity level compared to the other children because out of them all she is the one that keeps busy. When indoor play time comes around Zoe is sure to play at as many play stations as she can. Zoe averages about 5 to 6 play stations. Zoe chooses to play at a number of different areas, whereas, many of the other children just get around to two different play stations. At each station Zoe spends 41/2 to 5 minutes playing, showing that Zoe’s ratio of active running around periods out weight the inactive sitting and playing periods. Motor Skills Zoe does a does a good job at controlling her gross-motor skills as well as her fine motor skills. Zoe has good balance and speed for a 4 year old. When Zoe’s gross-motor skills are compared to her classmates you notice her advancement. She does not stumble over her feet or object such as the carpet, as much as her peers do. When Zoe is outside her favorite activity is to play on the jungle gym. This activity is able to show Zoe’s good development of gross-motor skills because of how she is able to climb up and down the stairs of the jungle gym and with such speed. â€Å"Many children by age 2 become smooth and rhythmic – secure enough that soon they leave the ground. (Berk, 2007, P. 224). Zoe has mastered her fine motor skills. Zoe is able to correctly hold writing objects such as markers and crayons; she also holds glue sticks in the writing position. She holds the maker or writing object in between her thumb and her middle finger and allows her index to help support her writing tool. By having this technique down Zoe is able to control the lines that she makes on her paper as well as how dark her lines will be. She is also able to manipulate how much glue is going to go onto her paper and where it will go. In comparison to Hayliegh (3-8), who is still holding her writing tool with her palm, Zoe shows she is more advance in her fine motor skill. While playing at one of her favorite indoor play stations, which is play dough, Zoe uses her hands to manipulate the play dough into various shapes and objects. The way she is able to grasp and squeeze the play dough shows her sensatory skills, which are in connection to her fine motor skills. These two examples show that Zoe has master over her hands and how they will work to her advantage. As Zoe continues to play her favorite activity, the jungle gym, with such balance and speed she shows that she is comfortable with her movements. This is one of her favorite activities because it allows her to run around and get out her energy. Zoe favorite game, and only game she plays, are the computer games. Zoe will avoid such games as board games but will go and play on the computer when she can. The games on the computer help her to learn how to control an object such as the mouse and pointer. This helps Zoe in the development of her fine motor skills. Zoe’s favorite table game is play dough. The play dough station is always the first station that Zoe goes to if she is picked to go their. At this station Zoe again uses her fine motor skills to create all different types of objects with her play dough. Cognitive Skills While closely observing Zoe’s cognitive skills she showed evidence of Piaget’s preoperational stage. Zoe’s cognitive development is shown through her make-believe play. â€Å"Piaget believed that through pretending, young children practice and strengthen newly acquired representational schemes. † (Berk, 2007, P 227). When Zoe plays with her play dough she pretend that she is making pizza. She begins by taking a handful of play dough and placing it on the table, she then get a small rolling pin to roll the play dough out flat. Once the play dough is rolled out completely flat she uses little Lego’s to represent the pepperoni that tops most pizzas. Next she takes the finished pizza and puts it on the side of the table and pretends to heat it in an oven. The takes the play dough and begins to feed her friends. When Zoe decides to not just feed herself but her friends as well she is showing development of no longer being self-centered. This whole make believe shows how far Zoe’s Cognitive skills have developed. She is able to take something she see and act it out and think about the order in which she acts out each piece. Zoe has knowledge of classification and seriation along with her representation skills. Zoe shows that she is capable of classifying objects as well as putting them in sequence. She shows evidence of classification during clean up time. When it is time to clean up each toy has its own space and toys that are a like go into spaces next to each other. Zoe is able to identify objects and according to the likely ness of one to the other she can tell weather or not the go in the same area. For example Zoe is able to identify that the blocks and the Lego’s go into the same area but that they are different. She is also able to recognize that the entire book are books but able to classify them according to their size. She put away all the big books on one side of the bookshelf where they belong and all of the smaller books on the oppsite side where they belong. Zoe also knows sequence of numbers. She shows this when she is called up to be the calendar girl for he day. Zoe takes down all the numbers from one to 15 off of the calendar. Then one by one puts them back up in sequence. She also recognizes the patter of the numbers. Each number is written on an insect. As she puts up the numbers she realizes that the patters of insects are caterpillar, lady bug, butterfly, caterpillar, lady bug, butterfly and so on. Zoe shows the ability to imitate real life through her play. When she creates pizza with play dough and Lego’s she is showing that she understands how to create something from what she has seen and experienced. She shows that she understands how something that is not the original object can symbolize or represent the original. Zoe also shows role play during her play. She does show by pretending to be the baby while her friend Savanna (3-11) plays the mother. This type of role play shows that Zoe understands the various roles that people play in life. Through this role play you are able to see her ideas on life. Zoe shows her perception of how a baby is to act and how they should respond to their mother. By Zoe crawls around on the floor and talks baby talk shows how she views babies. Lastly Zoe shows special interest in activities that involve imitation play. She likes to create things that she sees and experiences in her life. This ability to imitate reality shows her cognitive growth. Communication Zoe uses wide variations of communication. Zoe uses her body language, facial expressions, and verbal communication all at once when she is explaining or expressing herself. All these combined show off Zoes personality. When Zoe hurt her foot on the table Zoe used her body language to show that she was in pain. She immediately bends down to rub her foot in try to make it feel better. Then her wincing face showed that it was not helping. As Zoe dragged her body over to the teacher she then verbalized the pain that she was in. She expressed the teacher, â€Å"I hurt my foot†. Zoe is very good at exaggerating her expressions and really showing how she feels on her face. If she is happy she has a big simile, if she is shad she is frowning, and if she is hurt she is wincing and showing pain on her face. Her facial expressions do a lot of the verbal communication she might not do or it tells her feelings before her words do. When Zoe interacts with her friends she is very animated and humorous. She is very big in her movements and throws up her arms and puts out her hands as gestures when she is speaking. When she is very excited about what it is she is telling her peers she is very big in her gestures and when she is calm she uses one hand when gesturing. Zoe has a very good vocabulary and is the talkative one of the group. She is also known for her slang vocabulary. Sometimes this slang that she uses from time to time goes a little too far and she can get into trouble. Hector (3-5) did jus that told on Zoe and got her into trouble. Hector told the teacher that Zoe told him, â€Å"What the heck. † Zoe was then told that she should not use that word. Zoe is also very descriptive in her speech. She once told the teacher, â€Å"Mrs. Contreras, I made a red strawberry†. Zoe is extremely talkative and this helps aid her in learning and broadening her vocabulary, as well as learning how to express her self. Emotions Zoe is at the Initiative versus Guilt stage according to Erikson’s personality development theory (Berk, 2007). Evidence of this is show when Zoe is eager to join her class peers in various activities. In particular when it is library time Zoe likes to thumb through her book initially by herself like she is told to do but it excited when she is able to share her book with a few surrounding friends, or listen to a surrounding friend share their book with others. When it comes to creating a new picture or trying a new activity Zoe becomes excited to participate and learn something new. This took place when she had the opportunity to create a caterpillar. She learned how many circles she needed to make the caterpillar and where to glue on the legs of the caterpillar. Zoe also shows evidence of autonomy because she is able to use her mental development and sense to determine and recognize that she has to use the restroom. When it comes to Zoe’s Temperament she is not moody. She consistently is happy and friendly unless she gets hurt or someone copies her. She is usually very approachable and social with everyone. Her response positively when it comes to playing with someone new at each play station that she goes to. She also is good at sharing. For example, when Zoe goes to play on the computer she shares the mouse with the other student and takes turns clicking on the computer. She works together with her peer to find the right answer to the question on the computer. Since Zoe is good at sharing this makes her approachable and fun to play with. When it comes to Zoe’s intensity of her reactions she is directly in the middle. She is not a loud child but also not quiet. She also is good at having self control and not having tantrums. She does have very out there over the top facial expressions and gestures but not so much to make her an intense child. Zoe is also positive in her mood. If she is hurt or irritated she will tend to come down from her usually happy smiley mood. Zoe is usually happy and playful. Zoe is just about always in a very positive mood and a pleasure to be around. However, Zoe does show a broad range of emotions during her observation. She showed happiness while she was interacting with her peers, and she also displayed the feeling of being hurt, when she stubbed her toe on the table. Zoe displays knowledge of how to express herself emotionally. Social Interaction Zoe is very social and interacts with everyone. Zoe is always interacting with new peers when she is indoors going from one play station to the other. Zoe is a little different from the other girls in that she has no problem interacting with the boys. Around lunch time Zoe joins in when Dillon (4-7) is pretending to be a superhero. Zoe joins in and pretends to be a super cat. When Zoe does interact with her peers it is in a small group of maybe 3 at the most. Zoe never tends to be around large groups. Mostly you will see Zoe one on one with another peer. Zoe tends to go towards the sensatory play then the make believe play. When Zoe has a choice of an indoor play station she always goes for the play dough first. After that Zoe will do arts and crafts that involve gluing or draw a picture. By the end Zoe always ends up at the Sand table. These three types of play that Zoe consistently participates in are all dealing with her sensatory skills or fine motor skills. These are Zoe’s favorite types of play because she enjoys playing with things that involve her hands, since she is good at them. Zoe has a secure attachment to her mother, teachers, and peers. When Zoe’s mother came to visit the class she did not attach herself to her mother while she was present. Zoe recognized she was there and called on her if she needed help but she did not play at the table that her mom was at just because she wanted to be next to her. Zoe continued to do her own thing. Zoe is also not attached to any particular peer in the classroom. She demonstrates this by sitting at a new lunch table with someone new with each observation. She also plays with someone new at each play station. Some of the other children especially girls are attached to one another each observation. They will always sit together at lunch and play together in both indoor and outdoor play time, but not Zoe. Self Esteem Zoe displays confidence and high self-esteem. She indicates that she has a very positive outlook of herself through her expressions. When Zoe does something correct she wants everyone to know. For example when Zoe did a good job of cleaning up her mess and helping her peers pick up wooden blocks she went to the teacher Mrs. Contreras to show her what she had done. Zoe will not shy away form getting others to acknowledge her feelings weather positive or negative. This shows that Zoe is confident and knows when she is doing good and not doing well. Zoe is confident enough to speek up when she wants to. Zoe is her own motivation. She is a self starter and needs little direction. When it is reading time Zoe will get her book and begin reading. While most of her other peers need a reminder to sit quietly and look at their book, Zoe doesn’t. Zoe will also do things when she is asked and will not need a motivation to do it, like and incentive or a reason. Zoe might need some help with staying focused for more than five minutes on one task, but when it comes to starting a task Zoe will not waste time getting to it and starting it. Zoe usually needs little direction and makes up her mind fairly quick when it comes to deciding where she wants to play and what she wants to do. She needs little self direction and Zoe tends to play at areas where she will receive as less direction as possible. Zoe is independent and is able to handle her own. She has no problem with playing alone and being by herself. She enjoys the company from her peers but she is able to entertain herself. She doesn’t need to have other peers around her in order for her to have fun. She also is more of a leader and to be a leader you have to have an independent sprit. Zoe has other peers who follow her around and does what she wants to do. Since Zoe is not a follower she is showing she is not dependent on other but is independent. Conclusion Zoe displays a number of strengths as well as areas that she can improve. Zoe is strong in her fine motor skills. The way she is able to control her writing tool and where her lines will go on her paper and how dark they will be. She is also able to stay inside of the lines. These examples show that Zoe has done a good job of developing her fine motor skills. Zoe is also very good with her communication skills. She knows how to express herself correctly and clearly. She is able to not only use her body language and facial features to let show one know what she is feeling but she is able to verbalize it. Zoe can afford to improve on her attention span. Zoe tends to be easily distracted by the idea of moving on to something else. She needs to learn how to focus on one thing instead of trying them all. She needs to learn how to relax and be persistent in what she is working on. Overall I have enjoyed the opportunity of observing Zoe. She has taught me various things about the development of a preschooler. I plan on remembering this observation and using it as I go on to my future career working with children.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Literary Analysis: Clay and The Dead Essay -- Essays Papers

Literary Analysis: Clay and The Dead In the fifteen Dubliners stories, city life, religion, friends and family bring hope to individuals discovering what it means to be human. Two stories stood out in James Joyce’s Dubliners. One story attempts to mislead readers as it is hard to follow and the other story is the most famous story in the book. In the stories â€Å"Clay† and â€Å"The Dead,† James Joyce uses escape themes to deal with the emotions of the characters, Maria and Gabriel living in the Dublin society. Both stories take place during the winter on Halloween and Christmas, which are the holiday seasons and the season of death. In â€Å"Clay,† the main character, Maria is a patient, old woman and a former maid for rival brothers Joe and Alphy Donnelly. Now that they’re all grown up, she seems to be â€Å"lost† in her life, childless and unmarried, and is now an employee at a Laundromat. Maria has struggled for what seems like most of her life both financially and socially. Maria lives on a small but independent income from a job that earns her the respect of co-workers and bosses. Glimpses of poverty are seen in this story when Maria becomes concerned that she lost the cake that she bought for the Donnelly family. â€Å"Maria said she had brought something special for papa and mamma, something they would be sure to like, and she began to look for her plumcake† (99). Maria’s loss of the cake is painful because she paid a big price for it. Maria was trying to treat her loved ones despite her limited income. Although Gabriel from â€Å"The Dead† isn’t poor like Maria, he isn’t very wealthy either unlike his aunts. Gabriel is just an average writer. He doesn’t hold annual parties like his aunts do every year to make him seem snobbish to others. J... ... U.S.A: Pearson Custom Publishing, 2002. Langbaum, Robert â€Å"The Epiphanic Mode in Wordsworth and Modern Literature.† New Literary History Vol. 14 (1983): 335-358. JSTOR. University of Dayton, Roesch Library. 18 February 2004 . Munich, Adrienne â€Å"Form and Subtextt in Joyce’s ‘The Dead’† Modern Philology Vol. 82 No.2 (Nov. 1984) 173-184. JSTOR University of Dayton, Roesch Library.20 February 2004 Norris, Margot â€Å"Narration under a Blindfold: Reading Joyce’s ‘Clay.’† PMLA Vol. 102 (1987): 206-215. JSTOR. University of Dayton, Roesch Library. 18 February 2004 . Orfe Literature. Ed. James Joyce. 17 February 2004. . Owens, Coilin. â€Å"Clay (3): The Mass of Mary and All the Saints.† James Joyce Quarterly 28 (1990): 257-266.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Disease Management

Disease management pertains to the concept of assisting in healthcare expenditures and augmenting the quality of life through prevention and health maintenance. Disease management is associated with a commitment to provide guidance, information, advocacy and service to its members in order for them to feel a positive change. An ideal health care model aims to improve the quality and efficiency of health care assistance, to increase the accessibility to health care services for various populations, to increase price and quality transparency and to ascertain accountability for all services received.In order to achieve these goals, certain disease management programs have linked with Aetna and United Healthcare, which improves both benefits and the marketing of health insurance industry. One policy of disease management involves the improvement of the quality and efficiency of health care for its members (Barry and Basler, 2007). This policy feature is associated with routine measuremen t of the performance of its plans. It also encourages highly efficient health care options to its members, as well as the application of information technologies in keeping and maintaining patient health records.The use of prescribing medications electronically is also presented, which helps in keeping the patients safe from errors of drug consumption, as well as duplication of services, which are deemed to be wasteful in terms of money, time and effort. Such improvement may also advance the mode of access for health test results and other information. Another policy being promoted by disease management programs involve the availability of health care services to varied populations at reasonable prices.Such feature concentrates on outreach programs that provide materials and services to different communities using other languages that are applicable to specific ethnic groups. This element may be a valuable feature in interacting with its members, so that the patients may freely expr ess their needs and concerns regarding health care and its associated services. It is also very useful in making its non-English speaking members to understand what has been assessed or what is needed in order to help them in their health maintenance, including chronic care and disease management.The use of the multi-language approach also prevents miscommunications and misunderstandings between the program and its members. The benefits of such effort will include a greater chance for its members to understand any information that is provided to them, including the quality, effectivity and costs of the health care services. It also allows the members to make their own decisions about their own health care plans because they are empowered to interact and ask questions about aspects that concern their health.A disease management program also includes the regular monitoring and assessment of its health plan and its subsequent dissemination of information to its members (Gearon, 2006). Such feature is valuable in terms of its goal in continuously improving the health care performance and efficiency of its plans. And it is also known that the most reliable way of improving any health care plan is by gathering the comments and suggestions of the end-users, which are actually the members itself, who directly apply such health care plans to their daily lives.A disease management program appraises its healthcare policy and features every year. Such comprehensive review of the policy often times lead to points of improvement. These are then actively considered an incorporated into the working health policy and its members are likewise advised of the new changes. Any other comments or suggestions are freely expressed by its members, and the program at the same time welcomes such constructive criticisms. Healthcare marketing is a phenomenon that actively promotes features of healthcare industry.A successful healthcare marketing process follows the three major concepts fra mework, view point and definition. Healthcare marketing has dramatically changed over the last decade, mainly due to reforms initiated by the government (Barry and Basler, 2007). One prime modification in the healthcare market is the incorporation of Medicare, which works as a form of reimbursement for healthcare institutions. A few decades ago, healthcare investigators attempted to establish the relationship between healthcare practitioners and patients.One of the observations they observed was that patients often had only a few choices in terms of healthcare providers hence they have no resort but to maintain a relationship with a particular doctor amidst substandard patient care delivery. Another observation the investigators observed was the patients tend to screen or try out different physicians and just pick out which physician works best with their own personal preference. In addition, other individuals would also screen different hospitals and then later decide which hospita l serves them best in terms of their hospital needs. References Barry P and Basler B (2007):   Healing our system.   AARP Bulletin, March, 2007.   Retrieved on July 25, 2007 from Gearon C (2006):   State-by-State List of HMO report cards online.   AARP Bulletin, January 2006.   Retrieved on July 25, 2007 from

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Trust Issues Found on Family Trip

My parents and I had been looking forward to our trip for seeks and everything Just seemed precisely planned and made us all excited as the days got closer. That to me was what it meant when you had a family trip, to me It was a time where you get excited to be together and work on building this bond that you all have and just enjoy each other's company. You start counting days down and get hyped up wanting adjust be at that one place where you know a new level of family love can be found.You realize that in this place is where any problems can be forgotten even If Just for a temporary time and that you can find new adventure amongst the simplest spot with the most beloved people in your life. However sometimes moments can change and become ones that will affect you for possibly the rest of your life, this is unknowingly what was in store for my family and l. Hernandez 2 Wanting to stay with my Aunt and uncle who live in Arizona, my parents and I went for New Years expecting a fun fa mily time.Unexpectedly my father's grandmother ended up passing away so amongst our trip he decided to stay back for her funeral. Arguing back and forth about what to do occurred with the end result being that my father would stay behind to later come up to Arizona and take us back home at the end of the stay. Unfortunately as time went on through the week my parents continuously fought over the phone to the point where my father told my mother he no longer wanted to be with her. This shocked me as I wanted my parents to be together forever, I did not want them to end and I definitely did not want my family to split up.My mother certainly did not want that so she got my father to be calm enough to agree that when he came down to Arizona they should in person actually talk things through. The day had later finally come where my father was now with us and my mother wanted to have a thorough conversation with him. Being only 13 at the time I was still young and thought well they can wo rk it out I know they can, they always work their problems out, so there is no way they will break up. However I was so wrong, hearing the words that my father spoke to my mother truly broke my heart.Saying he no longer loved her and he couldn't be with her honestly shook me to my core, I Just could not believe that right before my eyes I was seeing my parent's 1 OFF and that I knew he loved my mother. Being young I could not have imagined the real reason behind his words that ended up feeling like a knife in our family back. Believing my father's words I simply believed that he had fallen out of love with my mother. I did not like it but no matter how much I tried to change my father's mind he would not budge. Therefore, I saw that I had no say in the matter at all that really what I wanted did not nor Hernandez 3 would it ever matter.In having no choice in the matter I felt heart broken, my family was simply slipping through my fingers. Being only 13, still so young I would have n ever imagined that behind my father's words were lies and the fact that he had cheated on my mother. Honestly he became someone different to me at this moment, e was like a stranger, definitely not the father I once was close with. Within finding out this information I lost all respect for my father and faith that relationships last, even in the belief that families can really always remain together.Saying that my trust in people had changed was an understatement, I had went from trusting my father was a great guy to not being able to believe a word he said. In seeing how easily my father could hurt my mother and Just leave his family made me think if he could do that then why wouldn't someone else I love do that. I began to think that all people especially men were liars and cheaters. I felt that I wouldn't be able to trust again and I wouldn't be able to fall in love or have a family of my own.My thoughts were that two people making promises to love one another for the rest of the ir lives was Just nothing but a lie. My ability to trust had been completely broken, but within this I also felt abandoned by the one man who had said he would always be there. My father had lied and in thinking he was Just leaving my mother had left me too, so I believed that was what all men were capable of. I felt that if I gave anyone the lightest ounce of my trust that I would Just get hurt again and being heartbroken was not a feeling I wanted to go through yet again in my life.An apology was never even heard through any of it by my father so I Just assumed he didn't care at all. It wasn't until going to a therapist and actually talking my feelings out happened that I heard an apology. In hearing that years later at the age of 17 was when I began to realize that no matter what I wish would have happened or wished I could have changed, it Hernandez 4 would never be different. My parents would never be together again and my father loud never undo the hurt he had caused and the a nger I had felt towards him.No matter how much I wanted my father to be the same guy I had always looked up to he wouldn't because I had lost my respect for him and my trust in him. Losing my trust in him was one of the hardest things to deal with, but I knew I still loved my father and over time I wanted to be able to have a relationship with him again. In realizing this I saw that I had to move forward in my life and forget the past in order to work at rebuilding my trust not Just within my father but in people in general. That I had to let go of my hurt and anger towards my father in order to have the chance at that new relationship.In simply wanting this I knew that looking to the future was the only option no matter how much my past had changed me, therefore the past had to remain in the past. I had to mature and be happy moving on and enjoying my life, There you have it a family trip turned into a moment that split a family a part and caused trust issues along with so much hur t and anger. It went from being about relaxation to uncovering lies and deceit in someone who was so beloved to me. Having my trust broken and questioning relationships made me believe I would never be happy.Over time however, I was able to realize that the past had to stay in the past, that I had to only look forward to the future. I knew I wanted to be happy and regain my sense of trust, so slowly piece by piece that has been able to begin to be rebuilt. I still do have issues that I know will take more time to fix, but at least now all I really look forward to is having a bright, happy future. One where hopefully my relationship with my father can change and be Just as good as it used to be before the New Year's trip we had went wrong.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy essays

God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy essays "?The God of Small Things", by Arundhati Roy, is a multi-layered novel structured in an intricate manner. Roy has covertly weaved and connected her ideas therefore requiring more than surface level analysis from her readers. As a result is the unusual yet successful narrative that garnered praise from most literary critics. The novel recounts the story of the Ipe family that lives in Aymenem, Kerala in post-colonial India. During the course of the story, the various members of the household each contribute to the unraveling of the series of events and the aftermath of Sophie Mols death is soon revealed. The novel is rich with literary devices such as symbolism and certain themes like the caste system. Roy creates vivid imagery through the use of colors that aim to evoke specific emotions in the readers as well as convey intertwining themes such as colonialism and oppression. The three main colors that are preset in novel are blue, red and yellow. However, the most dominant color throughout the novel is the color blue. Blue simply symbolizes imperialism and the superiority of the British. Pappachi, Baby Kochamma and Margaret Kochamma are the main representatives of the old social order that is under the threat of losing its grip on the local community" (Sadaf). These characters, in specific Pappachi and Baby Kochamma, attempt to hold onto and spread Anglophilia in their post-colonial society. It is ironic that these characters promote Anglophilia rather than search through history to try and salvage whatever is left of their soon to be non existent Indian culture and heritage. Therefore, Roy might be attempting to portray these characters dangerous loyalty to the British culture by constantly associating them with the color blue. As a result, these characters along with the color blue aid in spreading Roys warnings about the negative effect of coloniali sm on a countrys people. The main symbol of Bri...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Definition and Examples of Morphemes in English

Definition and Examples of Morphemes in English In English grammar and morphology, a  morpheme is a meaningful linguistic unit consisting of a word such as dog, or a word element, such as the -s at the end of dogs, that cant be divided into smaller meaningful parts. Morphemes are the  smallest units of meaning in a language. They are  commonly classified as either free morphemes, which can occur as separate words or  bound morphemes, which cant stand alone as words. Many words in English are made up of a single free morpheme. For example, each word in the following sentence is a distinct morpheme: I need to go now, but you can stay. Put another way, none of the nine words in that sentence can be divided into smaller parts that are also meaningful. Etymology From the French, by analogy with phoneme, from the Greek, shape, form. Examples and Observations A prefix may be a morpheme:What does it mean to pre-board? Do you get on before you get on?- George CarlinIndividual words may be morphemes:They want to put you in a box, but nobodys in a box. Youre not in a box.- John TurturroContracted word forms may be morphemes:They want to put you in a box, but nobodys in a box. Youre not in a box.- John TurturroMorphs and AllomorphsA word can be analyzed as consisting of one morpheme (sad) or two or more morphemes (unluckily; compare luck, lucky, unlucky), each morpheme usually expressing a distinct meaning. When a morpheme is represented by a segment, that segment is a morph. If a morpheme can be represented by more than one morph, the morphs are allomorphs of the same morpheme: the prefixes in- (insane), il- (illegible), im- (impossible), ir- (irregular) are allomorphs of the same negative morpheme.- Sidney Greenbaum, The Oxford English Grammar. Oxford University Press, 1996Morphemes as Meaningful Sequences of SoundsA word cannot be divided i nto morphemes just by sounding out its syllables. Some morphemes, like apple, have more than one syllable; others, like -s, are less than a syllable.  A morpheme is  a form (a sequence of sounds) with a recognizable meaning. Knowing a words early history, or etymology, may be useful in dividing it into morphemes, but the decisive factor is the form-meaning link.A morpheme may, however,  have more than one pronunciation or spelling.  For example, the regular noun plural  ending has two spellings (-s and -es) and three pronunciations (an s-sound as in backs, a z-sound as in bags, and a vowel plus z-sound as in batches).  Similarly, when the morpheme  -ate is followed by -ion (as in activate-ion), the t of -ate combines with the i of -ion as the sound sh (so we might spell the word activashun). Such allomorphic variation is typical of the morphemes of English, even though the spelling does not represent it.- John Algeo,  The Origins and Development of the English Langua ge, 6th ed.  Wadsworth, 2010 Grammatical TagsIn addition to serving as resources in the creation of vocabulary, morphemes supply grammatical tags to words, helping us to identify on the basis of form the parts of speech of words in sentences we hear or read. For example, in the sentence Morphemes supply grammatical tags to words, the plural morpheme ending {-s} helps identify morphemes, tags, and words as nouns; the {-ical} ending underscores the adjectival relationship between grammatical and the following noun, tags, which it modifies.- Thomas P. Klammer et al. Analyzing English Grammar. Pearson, 2007Language AcquisitionEnglish-speaking children usually begin to produce two-morpheme words in their third year, and during that year the growth in their use of affixes is rapid and extremely impressive. This is the time, as Roger Brown showed, when children begin to use suffixes for possessive words (Adams ball), for the plural (dogs), for present progressive verbs (I walking), for third-person singular present ten se verbs (he walks), and for past tense verbs, although not always with complete corectness (I brunged it here) (Brown 1973). Notice that these new morphemes are all of them inflections. Children tend to learn derivational morphemes a little later and to continue to learn about them right through childhood . . ..- Peter Bryant and Terezinha Nunes, Morphemes and Literacy: A Starting Point. Improving Literacy by Teaching Morphemes, ed. by T. Nunes and P. Bryant. Routledge, 2006 Pronunciation: MOR-feem

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Research Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4

Research Proposal - Essay Example ation to the final stages of higher education, is an overwhelming concern, the articulation of a philosophy of education which addresses the defined imperatives is a valuable undertaking. It shall function as the primary concern and objective of the proposed dissertation. The vale of the proposed topic derives from the very nature of global demands upon the educational system. Given the ever-increasing crime rate and the growing proliferation of professional practitioners’ violations of their espoused code of ethics, it is imperative to address the problem at its roots (Sarfatti-Larson, 1976; Hunter, 2003; Masschelein, 2003; Carr and Stuetel, 1999; Winch, 2004). These roots, as Carr and Stuetel (1999) contend, exist at the primary education level. Hence, resolving the problem of amorality inextricably linked to the implementation of a moral philosophy of education (Sarfatti-Larson, 1976; Hunter, 2003; Masschelein, 2003; Carr and Stuetel, 1999; Winch, 2004). As such, it is possible to express the importance of the topic as deriving from the problems of escalating crime rates and increased amorality across professions, practices and activities and the role that the educational system should play in its resolution, not to mention the responsibili ty that it has to do so. The theoretical dimensions of the problem shall be discussed against the background of variant philosophies of education in an effort to assess which may be best suited for the design of a school curriculum which would contribute to the resolution of the mentioned problem. While the proposed study shall draw on various examples of countries/educational districts which have implemented a moral philosophy of education, the research shall limit itself to the study of the situation within the United Kingdom and shall concentrate on the primary level of education. 2. To clarify the extent to which the educational system, historically and theoretically, has a responsibility towards the

Friday, November 1, 2019

PRJ1 Security Tool Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

PRJ1 Security Tool - Assignment Example However, when used non-ethically, hackers can also utilize this tool to extract information of the network traffic deprived of any sort of authorization (Ethereal. 2007). Wire Shark is categorized in the list of open source tools and was released on a GNU public license. As per the GPL, the complete source code is free. The open source tool can be modified as per business requirements. The importance of this tool is significant, as securing the network requires specialized software or tool that penetrates within the network for detecting anomalies. Previously, these specialized tools were very expensive and proprietary. However, with the launch of Ethereal, this trend has changed. Some of the functions that Wire Shark provides to its users are: As mentioned before, compatible on both UNIX and Microsoft platforms Regardless of interface type, captures network traffic and display packets on the screen Incorporates ‘tcpdump’ for displaying captured packets. ... (Sharpe, Ed Warnicke et al.) As shown in fig 1.1, wire shark has captured some packets and is ready for further query. Figure 1.1 Wire shark GUI illustrates three panes. (Sharpe, Ed Warnicke et al.) The first pane i.e. the top one is called the packet list, as it shows the summary of every captured data packet. Users can click on any one of the captured packet to get the properties that are illustrated in the next two panes. Likewise, the middle pane is comprised of tree structure that can be expanded further. (Sharpe, Ed Warnicke et al.) The further expanded properties show frame count, interface type, protocol type and TCP properties. Moreover, the upper left corner at fig 1.1 displays a filter tab that can be used to filter the packet types, as per interest. Furthermore, new protocols can also be added, as it is an open source tool and they can be called as modules or can be constructed in sources. (Sharpe, Ed Warnicke et al.) Some of the protocols that are not common and can be a dded in the tool are 802.1q Virtual LAN, 802.1x Authentication, AFS (4.0) Replication Server call declarations, AOL Instant Messenger, ATM, ATM LAN Emulation, Ad hoc on-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol, Ad hoc on-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol v6 etc. (Sharpe, Ed Warnicke et al.) Platforms that the tool supports other than UNIX and Microsoft are AIX, Debian GNU/Linux, Slackware Linux, Red Hat Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, HP/UX and Sparc/Solaris. Figure 1.2 As shown in Fig 1.2, the wire shark capture menu shown multiple options i.e. interfaces, options, start and capture filters. The interface option provides users an opportunity to add or remove network interfaces